Hot Jazz Cool Neighborhood April 25th at Doyle’s!


Join us for our FIFTH Annual Hot Jazz Cool Neighborhood Fundraiser!!

When: Wednesday April 25th 6-9pm
Where: Doyle’s Cafe, 3484 Washington Street, JP
What: Live music, appetizers, silent auction, raffle and MORE!

This year, you’ll enjoy the hot sounds of the Cornell Coley Afro-Latin Jazz Trio. Born in Kingston, Jamaica of Cuban and Jamaican parents, Cornell Coley, M. Ed. is an arts educator, dancer and musician. He has played extensively throughout the country. Mr. Coley wrote, produced, and performs in his own show; “A Fascinating Rhythm,” performing in over 400 libraries, schools and festivals. In this highly popular program, he weaves together cultural information, artistic virtuosity and charisma to motivate all ages. They join him on stage in an African journey from East to West and throughout the Caribbean, Brazil and the Americas. Be sure to join HIM at Doyle’s…and bring your dancing shoes!

And once again, we have the honor of Skippy White, as our guest MC! Skippy White grew up in Waltham, Massachusetts. He fell in love with the doo-wop sound when he was young. He started working in Boston in 1960 as a DJ at WILD-AM. White then rented a storefront for $50 and opened his own record store. White stayed at WILD for eight years before moving on to a series of other stations. He currently hosts a show on Touch 106.1 and continues to sell records and CDs online and at his store in Egleston. Last year, Skippy celebrated 50 years of business! Come see this living legend and test out his motto: If you can hum it, he can find it!
Check out this video invitation from Skippy himself!

Don’t miss it! Tickets are just $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Buy now online
All funds go to support Egleston Square Main Street’s work to build our community, strengthen our business district and revitalize our public spaces.

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