About Us

Egleston business owners and community members at the Convíte Banilejo in 2019.

Egleston Square Main Street’s mission is to build our community, strengthen our business district and revitalize our public spaces through partnership with local merchants, residents and community groups.

ESMS: Designated as a Main Street Program in 1996, Egleston Square Main Street (ESMS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that strives to promote, preserve, and revitalize Egleston Square, located on the border of Roxbury and Jamaica Plain in Boston, MA. ESMS is governed by a board of directors composed of local residents, business owners, and representatives from community groups, and receives support from community partners and the City of Boston, through the Boston Main Streets Program. ESMS works to retain and expand area businesses, improve business facades and the streetscape, and promote the business district. Our goal is to ensure that Egleston Square will continue to be an enjoyable community in which to live, work, visit, dine, and shop.



  • To maintain an image for Egleston Square as a safe, family-oriented community and commercial district by marketing its unique characteristics to shoppers, community members and the media through retail promotional activities, special events and marketing materials.
  • To improve the physical appearance and create an inviting atmosphere in Egleston Square by addressing public safety, litter and traffic issues and promoting storefront improvement and public improvement projects.
  • To sharpen the competitiveness of Egleston Square and its businesses by compiling and updating district data, recruiting new businesses and investors, and making resources, such as loans and technical assistance, available to businesses.
  • To ensure the long-term viability of Egleston Square Main Street and its mission by fostering partnerships, cultivating donors and sponsors, organizing fundraising events, increasing membership and involving volunteers.

How We Work

ESMS follows the Four Point Approach to community revitalization developed by the National Main Street Center of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Four Point Approach focuses on Economic Development, Design, Promotion, and Organization. Each of these areas is the focus of a working committee, chaired by a member of the Board of Directors. Committee members need not be board members.

Board of Directors

A dynamic Board of Directors provides strategic direction for Egleston Square Main Street. They contribute time and resources to fundraising efforts and volunteer to provide program support in on or more of the organization's focus areas: Organization, Economic Development, Art + Public Spaces, and Quality of Life.


Can you spend time every month working towards an Egleston Square where small businesses can thrive? Are you interested in serving on a nonprofit board? We'd love to hear from you. Email us at board@eglestonsquare.org or call 617-637-2270.


Board Members, 2022:

Rosana Javier-Mangone, Latino Beauty Salon - President

Timothy Reardon, resident - Treasurer

Karen Sama, 826 Boston, resident - Clerk

Eugenia Arroyo East Coast School of Combined Martial Arts - Arroyo's Program, resident

Manuel Feliz, Boston Express

Anne Hernández, Boston Public Schools, independent cultural organizer

Paola Liendo, JPNDC



Executive Director / Denise Delgado

Action Teams

Egleston Square Main Street accomplishes its work through collaboration between four volunteer working groups or Action Teams, the Board of Directors, and an executive director. The committees are a way for the community to drive the development of a vibrant, thriving business district that responds to the needs of ALL Egleston Square residents and visitors.

We are currently in the process of re-organizing and re-activating these working groups; updated information is below. We welcome new members who

  • reflect the cultures and economic diversity of Egleston Square
  • care about the neighborhood
  • are passionate about development without displacement
  • can volunteer a minimum of 2-4 hours a month, including meeting time
  • Proficiency in Spanish and Vietnamese is a plus.

If you are interested in joining an Action Team or just finding out more, email denise @ eglestonsquare.org or call 617-637-2270.

The Economic Development Action Team is our volunteer working group for neighborhood economic development initiatives and small business assistance.

The Committee works to strengthen and grow the neighborhood’s business district in an equitable, inclusive and sustainable way. It works to support existing business owners and entrepreneurs; attract new enterprises to the district; conduct research and collect data; collaborate on events and programs to promote local businesses; and respond to proposals for new development in Egleston Square.

We particularly welcome small business owners, youth, artists/creatives, residents, and people with expertise, experience or interest in business, real estate, finance, urban planning, and economic development.

The Economic Development Action Team meets on the third Monday of the month, 6:30-8pm. See updates on meeting locations on our calendar. All meetings are bilingual in English/Spanish, open to the public and families are welcome.

The Quality of Life Action Team (formerly the Promotions Committee) is a newly forming volunteer working group that will work on community health, public safety, walkability, transportation, and other complex issues that impact the success of Egleston Square businesses and the well-being of everyone in the neighborhood.

We particularly welcome small business owners, youth, seniors, artists/creatives, residents, and people with expertise, experience or interest in community health, work with recovery, addiction, and mental illness; homelessness; transportation/ pedestrian safety, and senior issues.

This team has been working on an ad-hoc basis since December 2019. Projects have included Summit for a Safe and Healthy Egleston, and One Egleston: Looking Good, Feeling Better / Somos Uno Egleston: Te Ves Bién, Te Sientes Mejor.

The Art, Design & Public Spaces Action Team will create an environment that strengthens the economic vitality of Egleston Square. Its purpose is to create and maintain beautiful, healthy, and welcoming streetscapes, parks and green spaces, and storefronts.

Creative and conscious placekeeping and placemaking preserve our neighborhood's cultures and keep public spaces active and accessible for everyone. Activities involve collaboration between volunteers, neighborhood groups, artists, designers, organizations, and the City of Boston. 

Projects include:

  • Designing and implementing safe and healthy temporary outdoor dining and cultural spaces that support physical distancing and reduce transmission of COVID-19 

  • Community gardening and park/green space improvements, including revitalization and programming of the Egleston Square Peace Garden

  • Murals, public art installations, and empty storefront activations

  • Wayfinding signage, street banners, and lighting

  • Storefront signage and facade improvements

The Art, Design & Public Spaces Action Team will have its kickoff meeting on Monday, July 27, 6:00-7:30pm. See updates on meeting locations on our calendar. All meetings are bilingual in English/Spanish, open to the public and families are welcome.