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    Egleston Square is EASY to get to!

  • By Public Transportation:
    Take the Orange Line to the Stonybrook Stop. Turn left on Boylston Street and proceed along Boylston Street for a few blocks until you reach Washington Street.
  • Take the 44 or the 29 bus along Columbus Ave. Get off at the intersection of Columbus Ave. and Washington Street.
  • Take the 42 bus (from Forest Hills or Dudley Square) along Washington Street. Get off at any of the bus stops between West Walnut Park and Green Street on Washington Street.
  • By Car/Bike: There are several parking lots in Egleston Square. The municipal lots are in the following locations:
    Across from BNN, 3025 Washington Street, Roxbury, MA 02119
    Next to Star Fish Market, 3089 Washington Street, Roxbury, MA 02119
  • There are bike racks throughout the Square and a Bluebikes Station on Washington Street at Atherton.