Free webinar for small businesses in Egleston Square and Roslindale: Improving Your Business’s Online Presence

Egleston Square Main Street, Roslindale Village Main Streets, Uncut Lab, and the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development have teamed up to offer a FREE webinar on Improving Your Business’s Online Presence, this Wednesday, May 26th at 2:00pm.  Designed specifically for businesses in Roslindale Village and Egleston Square, this two part webinar series is to help businesses deal with the fallout…

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Apply for PPP now

Solicite fondos PPP ahora —> Don’t assume you or your business are not eligible. The requirements and process have changed since 2020. The program may end March 31st. Get informed NOW. Here are resources to help you. —> No llegues a la conclusión de que tu o tu negocio no califican. Los requisitos y el…

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UPDATE: What’s Open in Egleston?

¿Que’ lo que hay abierto en Egleston? List of businesses open as of May 18, 2020 Una guía a los negocios locales que están abiertos para la fecha del 18 de mayo 2020 PHARMACY / FARMACIAS Bravo Pharmacy (City of Boston Certified Age and Dementia-Friendly Business) 3158 Washington St, Jamaica Plain (617) 553-2501 Hours: Mon-Fri…

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Asistencia Técnica y Recursos para pequeños negocios afectadas por COVID-19 – una guía de JPNDC

Carlos Espinoza-Toro, director de Servicios para Pequeños Negocios de JPNDC, ha compilado una guía muy comprensiva de información para pequeños negocios en español. Lo mantiene al día con actualizaciones frecuentes. Recomendamos que lo vayas chequeando todos los días.

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Applying for Emergency EIDL Funds: Step by Step

Wednesday, April 1, 5:15pm Egleston Square Main Street in collaboration with JPNDC present an on-line session with assistance for small businesses, including sole proprietors, freelancers and creative entrepreneurs. In Spanish with translation into English by Wepa Translations. Enter the Google Hangouts session here using your computer or device. We recommend using a computer, if you…

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Solicitando fondos de emergencia EIDL: paso a paso

miércoles, 1 de abril, 5:15pm Egleston Square Main Street en conjunto con JPNDC presentan una sesión en-linea con ayuda para los pequeños negocios y personas quienes trabajan por su cuenta.  Entra aquí a la sesión de Google Hangouts usando tu computadora, tableta o teléfono. Recomendamos usar una computadora. Carlos Espinoza-Toro, Director de Servicios para…

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Immigration resources during COVID-19

Rian Immigrant Center offers free legal consultations by phone. MIRA, the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition has a page dedicated to COVID-19 resources including public health resources in multiple languages that can be shared with immigrant and refugee families; relevant information on immigration policy and enforcement; and other valuable resources, including details on key…

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