Posts by Egleston Square Main Street
Egleston Square businesses open on Thanksgiving AND Small Business Saturday!
In Boston and looking for somewhere to eat, get your hair done, or pick up last-minute groceries on Thanksgiving? Or want to skip the big box retail hell that is Black Friday and instead #shopsmall and buy local on Small Business Saturday? This Thursday and Saturday, Egleston Square is your spot! Many Boston businesses in…
Read MoreWe’re hiring a Bilingual Outreach and Communications Assistant! (P/T, temporary)
We are happy to announce a great opportunity for us and you! BILINGUAL OUTREACH AND COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT (English/Spanish) Egleston Square Main Street’s (ESMS) mission is to build our community, strengthen our business district and revitalize our public spaces through partnerships with local merchants, residents and community groups. We seek a part-time, temporary project assistant for…
Read MoreEgleston Summer Movies
Join us for the third summer of summer movies in Egleston Square. We kick it off with our annual classic, The Prophet. We’ll start to gather at 7:00p and the film will start at 7:30p. Bring a lawn chair. ••••• The Prophet (2014 – 1h 25m) / Wednesday, August 15 • 7:00pm / Egleston Square Peace Garden (Corner…
Read MoreHappy Día de los Niñxs / Día de los Libros
El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children’s Day/Book Day), commonly known as Día, is a celebration every day of children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April 30. Egleston Square Main Street and some of our wonderful barbers partnered with the Boston Public Library to highlight books and literacy to our communities this year.…
Read MoreSummary of Peace Garden Community Visioning Nite
About 25 people came over to the Egleston Y on a cold, rainy day and gave their thoughts on what a refreshed Peace Garden could look like. This is a summary of what was offered: Notes on how people currently use the space: “I walk by at least 4x a day” Music Poetry Summer Movies…
Read MoreNew additions to Egleston
This Spring you will see three new businesses opening their doors in Egleston Square. Exodus Bagels Egleston residents Adam & Priscilla (and crew) are taking there much lauded bagels to the corner of Glen Road and Washington in the old Canto 6 space at 3346 Washington Street. Check out their social media presences on Facebook,…
Read MoreCommunity Visioning Nite for the Peace Garden
Egleston Square Main Street is working with Terrascapes Lanscape Design to create a new plan for our main public space in Egleston, the Egleston Square Peace Garden. And we want your input!! Come to the Roussin Community Center aka the Egleston Y (3134 Washington Street) on Wednesday, February 7th at 6pm and give us your…
Read MoreIntersection Mural Coming To Egleston Square
Help us design and paint a mural at the Intersection of Boylston & Egleston! We will paint this Spring. What would you like to see there? We held two rounds of community response sessions and received some of the following thoughts; memorials to past Egleston residents, water theme to “flow down” Boyslton, “BRIGHT, bright colors,”…
Read More2017 ESMS Annual Meeting
Please join Egleston Square Main Street for our annual meeting to celebrate our accomplishments and plan for the future. This year we will speak to making connections in Egleston Square and we especially welcome newcomers to who want to learn about the Main Streets model and it’s potential to help create great neighborhoods. As always…
Read More'Books in the Barbershop' in Egleston Square
In an effort to dull the summer lull and keep academic skills sharp, Egleston Square Main Street along with students and community supporters has kicked off the 2017 Books in the Barbershop Summer Reading Initiative. Any elementary aged student who gets their hair styled or cut in any participating barbershop will receive a FREE book for…
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