Free webinar for small businesses in Egleston Square and Roslindale: Improving Your Business’s Online Presence

Egleston Square Main Street, Roslindale Village Main Streets, Uncut Lab, and the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development have teamed up to offer a FREE webinar on Improving Your Business’s Online Presence, this Wednesday, May 26th at 2:00pm.  Designed specifically for businesses in Roslindale Village and Egleston Square, this two part webinar series is to help businesses deal with the fallout…

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One Egleston: Looking Good, Feeling Better, Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 9am – 12pm

[Lée en español] At the Egleston Square YMCA and adjacent businesses3134 Washington Street, Roxbury Egleston Square Merchants Association, the Street Outreach Unit of the Boston Police Department, and Egleston Square Main Street present an event to connect local businesses, service providers, residents, and resources with community members who are experiencing substance use disorders, mental illness,…

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Here's the REAL story of Egleston's businesses!

For 16 years, Egleston Square Main Street (ESMS) has worked with local merchants, residents and community partners to support and create a thriving, diverse business district. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of over 80 local businesses; unique family-friendly events; holiday celebrations and design competitions; neighborhood clean-up days and more, Egleston Square is an…

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