Egleston Square was featured in this past Sunday’s CityLine show on WCVB Chanel 5. The entire 30 minute segment was dedicated to the stakeholders who make Egleston Square run.Egleston Square Main Street was proud to be the first point of contact to help producers put the segment together. ESMS connected CityLine to businesses (Star Fish Market & Lawson Brothers Barbershop), local non profits (826Boston, Urban Edge and the Y Achievers) our local Community Officer Carlos Martinez as well as resident and community leader Oren Elow. We also connected them with board chair Juan Gonzalez (pictured above) from JPNDC.This type of exposure is crucial to the neighborhood as well as our neighborhood partners. The ability to get ones “elevator speech” and then some, out for mass viewing helps to spread the organizational message which hopefully helps the ability to fund raise down the line. For businesses who otherwise don’t have the disposable income to purchase a 30 second commercial spot on a station like WCVB, this type of exposure is invaluable.Egleston Square Main Streets salutes the wonderful stakeholders that make this an exceptional neighborhood!View the segments online here: