Egleston Square Wins Boston Public Space Invitational
Egleston Square was announced as a winner of the City’s second Public Space Invitational, a civic design competition that challenged applicants to conceptualize projects that have the potential to reimagine and enhance public spaces in Boston.
Egleston Square Main Street partnered with residents Dorothy Fennel and Sydney Hardin to propose #StreetMurals #MuralesenlaCalle, a community designed street mural that will also serve as traffic calming measure for traffic on the street. The street mural will be the first of its kind in the City of Boston.
The community design process began on July 21st with an information session at the Egleston Community Orchard just steps from the site of the eventual mural. This process will continue for another month while a simultaneous search is made for an artist via an RFP process.
Communities throughout the globe have been using street murals as a traffic calming measure as well as a way to create and strengthen communities. We are taking our cues from the best practice examples of The City Repair in Portland, Oregon and Paint the Pavement in Minneapolis.
Examples of Street Murals done elsewhere…

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- #BehindTheCounter shows off Egleston Square
- Wake Up The Earth 2017