Egleston Square in the News
As more and more people people discover the gem that is Egleston Square, it’s almost inevitable for the blob of gentrification that has slowly made its way to the southernmost neighborhoods of Jamaica Plain to find its way onto the commercial strip.
Recently, Egleston Square Main Street and JPNDC have been working with 7 businesses subject to a new landlord as a result of foreclosure auctions. This has stirred the local community and the solidarity manifestations have been impressive.
Here is a collection of news reports from this current saga that, as of this writing, is not over:
Egleston Sq. Business Owners Speak Out Against Rent Increases from Chris Lovett on Vimeo.
• From WCVB
• From the Jamaica Plain News
• From The Jamaica Plain Gazette
- Annual Meeting and More!!
- Egleston Square featured on Cityline