Is this you? Help start the Egleston Square Food Access Summer Project

Egleston Square Main Street seeks a bilingual/bicultural project coordinator local to or familiar with Egleston Square in Roxbury/Jamaica Plain, Boston, for short-term contract work to coordinate a summer project addressing food access and supporting local businesses during July-September 2020. This project is funded by a COVID-19 Urgent Response Grant from the Haymarket People’s Fund.
Project fee: $1600, based on approximately $25/hour @ 32 hours over a period of 6 weeks between July and September 2020. Schedule is flexible but some work must take place during M-F business hours.
The Project Coordinator will
1) Visit and meet with bodega owners and other local food sources in Egleston Square to identify, source, and negotiate mutually beneficial pricing on enough nutritious foods for 4-6 weeks of distribution (may be modified based on need)
2) Coordinate and oversee logistics for pickup and distribution of food items to workers and households in need together with partner organizations, with support from volunteers and youth workers.
3) Assist with the creation of a special promotion for local bodegas to encourage increased sales of nutritious and fresh foods.
We’re looking for someone with
- Conversational fluency in Spanish
- Energy and resourcefulness who can hit the ground running
- Cultural and social competency to work with diverse community members
- Great organizational and people skills
- Familiarity with small business operations and experience in nutrition, food industry, and/or community health
Hours/schedule flexible. More hours required during the first few weeks of the project. Coordinator must be able to conduct in-person visits to local businesses and be available for some in-person work at the Egleston Square YMCA; other work can be done remotely. ESMS will provide PPE for use during the project.
To express interest, email a resume and brief cover letter to Denise Delgado, Executive Director, at [email protected] ASAP before Wednesday, July 22 (deadline extended).