Support for individuals who have lost employment due to COVID-19
Great resources from UFCW Local 328:
“You should contact the Department of Unemployment and apply for unemployment insurance (UI) right away if:
- Your employer has shut down because of the coronavirus.
- Your employer has reduced your hours of work (for any reason, including the coronavirus).
- Your employer has temporarily laid you off and said you can return when business picks up.
- You have been quarantined by a medical professional or by government order, and your employer has either (1) told you to return after the period of quarantine or (2) has not told you anything.
- You have been told to self-quarantine by your employer, medical professional or government order.
- You have to be home to care for a family or household member who has been quarantined or who is sick.
- You left work because you reasonably believe that you have a risk of exposure or infection and have self-quarantined.
- You have left work because your child’s school or child care center has closed.”