BIG shout out for Star Fish Market
We tend to get spoiled with some of our local treasures in Egleston Squares. But every now and again, one gets reminded of just how awesome some of our businesses are. Such was the case when beauty vlogger and internet celebrity (and native Bostonian) Raye Boyce of ItsMyRayeRaye fame made a casual comment about one of her favorite eateries.
In todays technology driven world when brands pay celebrity’s for a plug on their internet accounts based on the number of followers, to get a very genuine exclamation of appreciation from someone of Ms. Boyce’s status in that world is pretty special. Especially for a very humble Mr. Kim and his employees who go about their business serving the best fish sandwich in town.
Such was the case with bloggers Jamie and Judy who happened on Star Fish back in March of 2013.
This sandwich looks dull but it is fried so well: the skin is crispy and the fish inside is soft. Add some of their tartar sauce and you’re good to go!
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