One Egleston: Looking Good, Feeling Better, Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 9am – 12pm
At the Egleston Square YMCA and adjacent businesses
3134 Washington Street, Roxbury
Egleston Square Merchants Association, the Street Outreach Unit of the Boston Police Department, and Egleston Square Main Street present an event to connect local businesses, service providers, residents, and resources with community members who are experiencing substance use disorders, mental illness, and/or homelessness. Its purpose is to create a safe and healing environment where people can find information and access to services along with support to look and feel their best. It will also improve relationships within the community.

Egleston Square’s businesses will be joining forces to sponsor free haircuts, shaves, manicures and pedicures at barbershops and beauty salons along Washington Street and Columbus Avenue; personal care items, hats, and gloves; and delicious food. The Street Outreach Unit of the BPD together with service providers and Egleston Square Main Street will organize a resource lounge at the Egleston YMCA featuring coffee, breakfast, and lunch, health screenings, access to mental health clinicians, recovery coaches, music and art, and additional homeless outreach workers.
The goals of the event are to give people a small but potentially powerful boost, connect them to the variety of resources available to them, and educate the larger Egleston community on how they can be part of the solution by building their awareness of the many services and programs available in the city of Boston.
Event Schedule:
9:00 am: Coffee, networking, and Narcan training for anyone in the Egleston community who is interested in meeting service providers and learning more about how to be part of the solution.
10:00 am: Coffee and resource lounge at the YMCA. Participants can engage with service providers from various organizations and agencies in a welcoming environment and receive a voucher for barber and beauty treatments at participating Egleston Square businesses.
11:30 am: Hot lunch provided by Egleston Square and local businesses including Yely’s Coffee Shop and PikaloX; further information from service providers; free clothing, winter coats, gloves, socks, and personal care items.
Ongoing: Haircuts and beauty treatments from Egleston businesses.

Participating businesses to date include Boston Express and Latino Beauty Salon, who are leading the effort, as well as Del Rey Barbershop, VIP Spa, Sandy Market, Alberto’s Barbershop, Beauty by Venard, Flaco’s Barber Shop, Micky’s Barbershop, La Reina / Jocelyn Salon, Lawson’s Barbershop and Beauty Salon and Chilacates.
Confirmed service providers and community resources include Boston Police Department, Boston Emergency Service Team (BEST), Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI), Arbour Counseling Services, Pine Street Inn, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, North Suffolk Mental Health, Access: Drug User Health Program, MassHousing, Mayor’s Office of Recovery Services, Boston Public Health Commission, PAATHS, Engagement Center, Dimock Detox, Saint Anthony’s Shrine, Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Boston Health Care for the Homeless, Health Innovations Inc, Victory Program, JPNDC, UrbanEdge, US Census Bureau, Boston Public Library Bibliocycle, Jordyn Elliott, music, Traces/Remain Collective, ESAC Youth Opportunity Collaborative HiSet Program.
For more information, to volunteer, or to donate winter coats, clothing in good condition, or personal care items, contact:
Denise Delgado, 617-637-2270 / [email protected]
Artie DePinho, 857-205-2828, [email protected]