Posts by Egleston Square Main Street
Egleston Square featured on Cityline
Egleston Square was featured in this past Sunday’s CityLine show on WCVB Chanel 5. The entire 30 minute segment was dedicated to the stakeholders who make Egleston Square run.Egleston Square Main Street was proud to be the first point of contact to help producers put the segment together. ESMS connected CityLine to businesses (Star Fish…
Read MoreEgleston Square in the News
As more and more people people discover the gem that is Egleston Square, it’s almost inevitable for the blob of gentrification that has slowly made its way to the southernmost neighborhoods of Jamaica Plain to find its way onto the commercial strip. Recently, Egleston Square Main Street and JPNDC have been working with 7 businesses…
Read MoreAnnual Meeting and More!!
Please join Egleston Square Main Street for our annual meeting to celebrate our accomplishments and plan for the future. Guest speaker will be our own district Councilor Matt O’Malley and breakfast and refreshments will be served. Please RSVP at our Constant Contact page. Friday, October 24, 2014 • 7:30am A donation of $10 is suggested…
Read MorePaint Boxes in Egleston Square!
The Egleston Square PaintBoxes are slowly dotting the neighborhood. At this moment, three are strategically located on Boylston Street leading from Amory Street up to Washington. Egleston Square Main Street and the Boston Art Commission teamed up this summer to announce an open call to artists for submissions to transform the utility boxes in Egleston…
Read MoreEgleston Square Announces Hiring of New Executive Director
The Egleston Square Main Street (ESMS) board is excited to announce the hiring of Luis Edgardo Cotto as its new executive director. Cotto took over March 31 from interim Executive Director Giovanna Tapia, who in turn replaced Betsy Cowan when she left last fall to join the City’s Department of Neighborhood Development. “The board conducted…
Read MoreParade Sat May 4th 2013
Yes! Everyone loves a parade, especially in Egleston, and especially when it involves stiltwalkers, Brazilian drummers, dance troupes, bicyclists, puppets, banners, and over 300 participants!! So, mark your calendars for Saturday May 4th, 2013! The parade begins at 11am at the Egleston Square YMCA (3134 Washington St.) and makes it way down Washington to Columbus…
Read MoreThe 12 Days of the Holidays in Egleston!
Have you heard of Miracle on 34th Street? How about miracles on Washington Street?! This holiday season was full of miracles in Egleston, from the Boston Fire Department who helped us decorate our tree, to great volunteers from St. Mary’s and San Andres who helped lead caroling to local businesses, to the ONLY snowfall of…
Read More10 3/4 Reasons to Support ESMS!
(This announcement was made at our recent Annual Meeting & Networking Breakfast. Thank you 826Boston!). This is a brief Public Service Announcement from 826 Boston, your friendly neighborhood youth writing center, headquartered in Egleston Square and providing free writing and tutoring programs to over 2,000 BPS students each year. 10 ¾ reasons why you should…
Read MoreHere's the REAL story of Egleston's businesses!
For 16 years, Egleston Square Main Street (ESMS) has worked with local merchants, residents and community partners to support and create a thriving, diverse business district. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of over 80 local businesses; unique family-friendly events; holiday celebrations and design competitions; neighborhood clean-up days and more, Egleston Square is an…
Read MoreDon't miss these great events!
Hello all! Can it really be that the summer is coming to an end?! We’ve had so much going on that the summer has FLOWN by! The Square has seen merchant clean-up days, fantastic merchants’ meetings, summer youth programs, art projects, basketball games, and more. PHEW! To celebrate, come to the Hands Around Egleston event…
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