Lista de verificación de préstamos y subvenciones
Puedes descargar la lista de verificación completa AQUÍ. Documentación vigente requerida por las diferentes instituciones que brindan los diferentes tipos de facilidades comerciales para pequeñas empresas, tales como: Ejemplos de Documentación Personal – para propietarios únicos: Para comprobar su identidad, los ingresos de su negocio y que está al día con todos los pagos de…
Read MoreLoan and grant checklist
You can download the full checklist HERE. Documents you will need to qualify for financing and commercial services to small business, including: Examples of personal documentation – for sole proprietors: For proof of identity, business revenue and that you are up to date with all income tax returns and payments: At least two years of…
Read MoreAre you ready? Loan and Grant Readiness
You CAN get ready to successfully apply for small business funding. Bank lenders, small business service providers, and the City of Boston show you how.
Read MoreLittle Amal Comes to Egleston Square
This past Saturday, Company One Theater and The Walk Productions brought Little Amal, the 12 foot puppet of a 10 year old Syrian refugee child, to Egleston Square. On his Instagram, Egleston neighbor Zack DeClerk wrote, “Little Amal made a stop in our neighborhood as she walks across the U.S. from Boston to San Diego.…
Read MoreHigh-fives all around!
The amazing teachers and staff at the Rafael Hernandez K-8 Dual Language School in Egleston Square organized a high-five line to welcome students back to school. Family liaison and longtime Hernandez staff member Anita Torres got to school at dawn to put up balloons. We chatted with Carina Lopez, who came out from the City of…
Read MoreSee what’s coming to Egleston Square!
Egleston Square Main Street (ESMS) is creating a community space for small business, art and culture at 3171 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain. This blank canvas will be a hub of activity. Egleston Square Main Street is a community-based, grassroots 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our mission is to build our community, strengthen our business district and revitalize…
Read MoreLawson Park Beautification: NAACP Day of Service Volunteer Opportunity
Be part of the 114th NAACP National Convention’s Day of Action and Service by joining volunteers in Boston’s Egleston Square neighborhood on Saturday, July 22, 10:30a-2pm. Meet up at Lawson’s Barbershop & Beauty Salon, 1979 Columbus Ave, Roxbury. Join the Robert G. Lawson Park Friends Group and Egleston Square Main Street to beautify a historic…
Read MoreCurrent Job Opportunities in Egleston Square
Bravo Pharmacy, an independently-owned pharmacy on Washington Street in the Egleston Square Main Street district, is looking for two (2) delivery drivers to join the new platform. Each will get about 30 hours per week. We would ideally like to find someone through local networks, people who are trustworthy and can grow with us. Please call…
Read More¿Está listo? Que necesita para obtener fondos para su pequeña empresa y por qué
Existen muchos préstamos y subvenciones para fortalecer o hacer crecer su pequeña empresa. ¿Tienes lo que necesitas para aplicar? Si la suya es una microempresa o una empresa que emplea a menos de 10 personas, los requisitos pueden parecerles complicados y abrumadores.
Read MoreAre You Ready? What You Need to Secure Funding for Your Small Business and Why
There are many loans and grants out there to strengthen or grow your small business. Do you have what you need to apply? If yours is a microbusiness, or a business that employs fewer than 10 people, the requirements may seem complicated and overwhelming. You CAN get ready to successfully apply for small business funding.…
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